The statutory accident insurance cover applies for the temporary secondment of a staff employee abroad. According to the accident of the Leipzig Zoo employees, animal Keeper, which was an activity in a project in Vietnam, as a work to recognise the accident, decided by the Hessian social court in Darmstadt (LSG) in a Monday post (verdict: L 3 U 105/16 ZVW) was.

born in 1982, a zookeeper was been sent according to the court in 2009 from the Zoo of Leipzig for a training project in a Vietnamese national Park. During an excursion, he suffered an accident, in consequence of which his left leg was amputated. The accident Fund refused the recognition as a work accident. The animal keepers had been employed at the Vietnamese national Park and do not belong therefore, to the legally accident insured persons circle. The man complained and pointed out that the Zoo Leipzig, the posting of workers since 2007, staff at the Park, have paid for his activities in Vietnam.The Revision to the Federal social court in Kassel was not approved.