In Germany, a study found that about 44 percent of all employees in the private sector holiday pay. Among the workers with a collective agreement it had 71 percent, according to the WSI Institute of the Union-affiliated Hans-Böckler-Foundation on Tuesday to an Online survey of more than 53,000 employees.

Because of the Corona-crisis, the vacation money is in this year for many people, especially important, said the head of the WSI collective bargaining archive, Thorsten Schulten. “Millions of Beschäftigtein short-time working must currently accept in part sensitive to loss of income.” The more problematic it is that the individual company wanted to emphasize the holiday money. This, however, is usually not so easy. “This is especially true when Workers secured the right to a holiday have a collectively money.”

In the East of Germany is still getting paid significantly less holiday money than in the West. Here, only 32 per cent of the employees get the salary bonus, while in the old Federal States 47 per cent. The main reason is the significantly lower level of collective bargaining coverage in East Germany, according to WSI-Institute. In addition, increases with the size of the company and increasing number of also the probability of their holidays to get money.