In the Corona-crisis women face higher work-time loss than men. You also get rare increases when short-time working money, such as from an on Tuesday published a survey of the Union-affiliated Hans-Böckler-Foundation is an issue. As a major cause is that women have taken over in the second Shutdown, in turn, additional care work, care about children or to care for family members. The Foundation has asked for private information in November, more than 6100 people have already given in April and in June with information about your Situation in the pandemic.

After that has close to the hours actually worked weekly working hours against payment for men, with 38 hours up to two hours of the pre-crisis level again. In the case of women the difference with 32 hours is still three hours to the previous state. Dependent children in the household, the men are now working 39 instead of 41 hours, during spend with the women instead of 31 now, 28 hours in the Job.

“in it should reflect on the one hand, that, despite the generally open schools and day-care centres because of the local Corona-outbreaks individually again and again, care need created will be,” said the scientific Director Bettina Kohlrausch. “On the other hand, a part of the women, who had to reduce their working hours in Lockdown clearly could have difficulties, to be able to return to their old working hours. There is a danger that some employers say: Once reduced, always reduced.“

Little differences, first of all, in the case of short-time working. Seven percent of men and eight percent of women reported to be currently affected. Different the actual payout was, however, 46 percent of the men received according to their own information from their employers additional increases, while this is reported only 36 percent of women. You work less likely to fare conditions.