up to 2038 planned Coal phase-out can be decided in the coming week by the Bundestag and by the Bundesrat. The Federal Cabinet has made on Wednesday the way. It agreed to the Treaty of the Confederation with the brown coal company, which specifies that the power plants from 2020 to be switched off and that in total, the flows of compensation of 4.35 billion euros. On the other hand, the Minister decided to round, so-called formulation aid for their parliamentary groups in the Bundestag, the laws for the Coal phase-out and for the payment of 40 billion euros in structural aid to ensure.

Christian Geinitz

economic correspondent in Berlin

F. A. Z.

however, some questions remain that should only be in the parliamentary procedure clarified to hide about the compensation of the coal Romer. This could be The magazine “der Spiegel”, according to a higher than previously provided for. Longer tender are deadlines for the closure of coal power plants in the room. The magazine relies on a correction of the legal text by Peter Altmaier (CDU) – led Federal Ministry for economic Affairs.

This is called the brown-coal contract on Wednesday, a milestone: “it is Thus clear: We are going to end the age of coal-fired power generation can be planned and economically reasonable.” At the same time, you can do in the coal regions, prospects for the future. Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) spoke of “an important step” on the way to a socially just transition to a climate-friendly and modern energy supply: “Also in the pandemic, we are committed to make climate protection.” Harsh criticism came again of the Green.”The coal phaseout is going on with this act to the of millions of burial and the effect for the climate to Zero,” criticizes Lisa Badum, spokesperson for climate policy of the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag.

one and a half years, the coal Commission had presented a concept for the exit. Since then, the negotiations are ongoing.