Optimally, the ran, said the Director of the südwestrundfunk, Kai Gniffke, at a press conference of the transmitter in Mainz. What is meant is the handling of the sales documentation “Wuhan – timeline of an outbreak”. The Film was finished, to see for journalists in advance of two days, on the eve of the planned broadcast two weeks ago, drew him back to the SWR. Why? Because, as Director of campus security said that unclear was whether it had the necessary rights on the film material that had the production company “Gebrueder Beetz” by the China Intercontinental Communications Center (CICC). In view of this, he had decided: “The risk is too high for me.”

Michael Hanfeld

responsible editor for the features section Online and “media”.

F. A. Z.

the questions according to the contracts of SWR and not have the case report on the journalists, the producers, still. have been Clarified Unclear Gniffke, according to the words of Kai, whether the producers have signed the contract with the CICC, which belongs to the information office of China’s state Council, at all. It was still the case, work up, said Gniffke. It was, however, not in the term, to spread Chinese Propaganda. It is also possible to use Material of Chinese broadcasting, when this was reported. This is exactly what makes the Film, even very significantly, as the Waiting is one of the few that could see the Film, say.

In the program, in the organization and the staff of the SWR relies, however, on Innovation. Thomas Dauser, the head of since 2011 the artistic Director, has on 1. In June, the new unit “innovation management and Digital Transformation” taken. This is supposed to throw, to Dausers words, in a sense, a “virtual network” via the SWR and in Association with the editors of digital journalistic products design, in the best case, the market “a year ahead”. On 1. September, takes up the new innovation lab at the transmitter, the “SWR X Lab”, in Baden-Baden his work. It is headed by Vanessa Wormer, who led the data journalism Team of the “süddeutsche Zeitung”. The successor to the legendary SWR Justitiars Hermann Eicher, goes into retirement and for the ARD, among others, in terms of the broadcasting fee was a highly respected chief diplomat, to the 1. September Alexandra Köth and Katrin Neukamm on.