The United States change their rules for American companies to deal with the Chinese network equipment supplier Huawei. This trade Minister Wilbur Ross has confirmed in a message to Reuters after the news Agency had reported on Monday about the appropriate plans.

familiar With the matter had told Reuters, the rules would be adapted so that American may co-operate with the group from China, common Standards for 5G-develop networks. The Ministry of Commerce and other authorities had signed the modified set of rules already. An official statement was expected later in the day. A Huawei spokeswoman did not want to speak first.

The new rule changes, of course, nothing in the fundamental approach of the American government against the Chinese technology company. The United States and around the globe, pressure on allied countries to renounce the use of Huawei technology, when it comes to building the next cellular standard.

President, Donald Trump had suppliers in mid-may, in fact, for another year of business with the Chinese Network Huawei and ZTE prohibited. He extended at that time in may 2019 signed decree by which he declared a national emergency and business between American companies and foreign corporations ban, which could endanger the national security of the United States.