Orange suffered a cyber attack this Wednesday afternoon that caused a drop in internet service that affected its customers throughout Spain, as confirmed by the mobile phone company through its social networks.

“The Orange account in the IP network coordination center (RIPE) has suffered improper access that has affected navigation,” says the company’s account after having previously reported that there were problems in the service.

“We are working so that the service is restored as soon as possible,” reported Orange, which then stated that the problem has already been resolved for a large part of the customers, waiting to recover the rest “shortly.”

Furthermore, Orange assures that “in no case is our customers’ data compromised, it has only affected the navigation of some services.”

The incident was detected by Orange on Wednesday afternoon, although at first they did not clarify what type of technical situation it would be, and only explained that it was “generalized” and that it had been found quickly.

Several users of the company have begun to complain through their social networks. “We are working to solve it as soon as possible,” they responded from Orange.