Kitchen Nightmare was scheduled to close its eighth season on Thursday, February 16. However, La Sexta decided to make a change to its grid at the last moment and did not broadcast the episode it had announced. The chain decided to postpone it to offer a special delivery of another format. “The news rules and tonight there is a programming change”, indicates the web page of the space led by Alberto Chicote.

Spectators were able to see in ‘prime time’ a Jugones special titled Barça and the referees, with Josep Pedrerol in charge. The program focused on the scandal affecting the world of football after it came to light that FC Barcelona paid for years to José María Enríquez Negreira, who was vice-president of the Technical Committee of Referees.

The format analyzed the information related to this matter and the different reactions. In addition, he echoed the exclusive from El Mundo that reveals that Negreira threatened FC Barcelona by burofax to recount the irregularities of the club that he had “known and experienced first-hand”.

La Sexta has yet to broadcast the final episode of the eighth season of A Nightmare in the Kitchen. If there is no change, it can be seen on the night of next Thursday, February 23. It is about a delivery in which Alberto Chicote and his team travel to Coslada (Madrid) to lend a hand to the restaurant Los 5 sentidos.

The advance offered by the chain highlights that the chef will not only have to save the business, but also a couple. Quique runs the place together with Lourdes, the cook, and the problems of the establishment affect their personal relationship.

Two friends and her son, Borja, also work alongside her. The disorganized commands, the excessive portions and the bad communication between the owners are some of the points that the presenter will try to correct.

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