It comes as no surprise that multiple business sectors around the world owe their success to the reliability and sustainability of pneumatic systems. Replacing uncompressed liquid with air to use in fluid power applications, specific industries such as dentistry would not nearly be as successful without the use of pneumatics.

That said, there are other types of systems similar to pneumatics that work in the same manner, such as hydraulics. While both are useful in their own right and have specific applications that the other cannot do, pneumatic systems tend to edge ahead thanks to a few standout features that separate them from the rest of the pack. Here are just some of the advantages of utilizing pneumatic systems in your business.


Pneumatics are some of the safest systems to take advantage of in industry

There is a very good reason why dentistry makes use of pneumatics in almost every single facet of application. The ability of pneumatics to function perfectly with very little risk is why dentistry is experiencing so many technological strides. While there will always be a risk no matter the business sector, the fact that pneumatics is both spark proof and explosion proof means that it is capable of getting the job done without putting anyone in danger.

Considering that workplace safety is one of the biggest priorities, it comes as no surprise that pneumatics is one of the most popular systems to use.

Pneumatic devices are reasonably priced and are very durable

When you compare pneumatic systems to hydraulics, it might come as a surprise to see that the latter tends to cost twice as much as the former. As if that was not enough to showcase the advantages of pneumatic devices, SMC Pneumatics creates quality parts to ensure that its systems last much longer than the rest of the competition. It is understandable why many businesses are making the move to pneumatics compared to other systems, as it is both reliable and reasonably priced.


It has a wide variety of applications across multiple sectors

While hydraulics is capable of similar things when compared to pneumatics, the fact that the latter is the safer alternative makes it the popular choice in most situations. As a matter of fact, you will find pneumatic systems in things such as train doors, or perhaps mechanical clamps. You will find it utilizing its full potential in the mining industry, with the aforementioned dentistry sector owing much of its success to pneumatics.

That said, the one disadvantage is that pneumatics does poorly in high-pressure environments. However, pneumatic devices are slowly but surely making progress to address the issue.

The advantages of pneumatic devices are such that any business that stands to benefit from their application has very little to lose by trying it out. Considering how much of an impact it has made on multiple industries, pneumatics is one of the most reliable and sustainable systems available today. Hopefully, those who are considering this ground-breaking system are convinced to give it a try!









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