British Defence Minister Michael Fallon has resigned after being accused of abusive conduct by a journalist. The incident occurred 15 years ago, when he put his hand on the knee of journalist Julia Hartley-Brewer during a dinner, something he himself has admitted and has apologized for. Fallon is the first member of the government of Theresa May who resigns in the context of the growing scandal of sexual harassment practices by deputies.

Breaking-Michael Fallon has resigned as defence Secretary, committing his behaviour in the past may have ‘ fallen short ‘ — Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) November 1, 2017 “a number of allegations have come to light in recent days” It is about deputies, including some about my past conduct, “says the defense minister in his letter of resignation addressed to May. “Many of these have been false but I admit that in the past I have been below the high standards we require from the armed forces that I have the honour to represent.”
In his response, the Prime Minister values the “seriousness” with which Fallon undertakes his work and the “particular example” that his decision implies.
Allegations of abusive behavior have dotted other senior officials in May’s cabinet, including who is in fact his number two, Damian Green, accused of inappropriate conduct by a conservative militant, Kate Maltby. Also a secretary of state of the Ministry of International Trade, Mark Garnier, is among the names of the list of 40 conservative deputies who circulates since the weekend by Westminster. These are legislators accused, in most cases unverified, of sexual harassment or inappropriate conduct, collected in the wake of the abuse scandal of producer Hollywood Harvey Weinstein.
This Wednesday afternoon, at the weekly question session to the Prime Minister in Parliament, Theresa May has convened the leaders of the other parties to discuss the scandal, which the Labour Party is not waging either. This week, Bex Bailey, 25, who belonged to the National Executive committee of the main opposition training, has revealed that he was raped during an act of the party in 2011 and that a high charge of it recommended that he not make it public because it could Hurt his career.