Remote work has been normalized in recent times, and many people now find themselves working remotely either full-time or as part of a hybrid model. Remote work has obvious benefits; some people even find that they are more productive when working away from the office. However, there are also those that struggle. Many people commit the same “cardinal sins” regarding remote work, which could impact their home and personal lives. This post will look at a few of the most common cardinal sins and how they can be avoided. So, if you find yourself struggling with remote work, this article is for you.

Not Working In A Home Office

One of the biggest sins is not working in a dedicated home office space. Working on the sofa with the TV on in the background might be tempting, but it is impossible to be productive this way – you will also suffer back pain after a while! You should have a dedicated area in the home with an office chair and a desk that will allow you to work comfortably and free from distractions.


Working In Isolation

Isolation can be a major issue when it comes to remote work. If you work from home daily, you must be wary of isolation and cabin fever. Having video calls throughout the working day is helpful, but you must get outside the house and socialize throughout the week. Many people who work remotely full-time find it helpful to have a day or two where they work in a co-working space, cafe, library, or anywhere else where they will be around other people.

No Routine

One of the perks of remote work is that you do not have to get up as early and commute into the office each day, but it is still important to have a routine. A routine provides structure, and you will find it much easier to work to your full potential each day. Additionally, a routine is also important for communicating and collaborating with your colleagues, as they will know when they are able to contact you.

Insufficient Broadband

Another cardinal sin to be aware of is insufficient broadband. You need to have a broadband package that will allow you to work to your full potential each day, which might include demanding tasks like videoconferencing and downloading large files. This can be an issue, particularly if other people are online in the house simultaneously. This is why upgrading to fiber broadband is a good idea if you regularly work from home. A fiber internet provider in Los Angeles can provide you with fiber broadband that will allow you to browse, video call, play games, stream, download, and more with speeds of up to 5 gigabits per second.

Not Establishing Boundaries

Many people also neglect setting boundaries, which can cause frustration and make it challenging to work to your potential each day. Many people assume that if you work from home, you will have time to meet up or run errands, but this is not the case. You must let people know you are working and should not be disturbed. Additionally, it is important to establish boundaries between your personal life and work – once you are finished for the day, you should avoid checking and responding to emails and other tasks that can be left until tomorrow.

Poor Work-Life Balance

Many people find that remote work provides a greater work-life balance, but some struggle to achieve this. When your work and home become the same space, it is easy for the lines to become blurred. You want to avoid a poor work-life balance at all costs, as this can take its toll on your mental well-being. A few ways to ensure a healthy work-life balance include:

  • Working set hours each day
  • Working in a dedicated office space
  • Getting changed for work
  • Taking a shower after work
  • Social plans during the week

These are the cardinal sins of remote work that you want to avoid at all costs. Some people take to remote work and find themselves productive and able to create a healthy work-life balance, but this is not everyone’s experience. When you are aware of these cardinal sins, you can take measures to avoid them and enjoy the wide-ranging benefits of remote work.