At first glance, it is not relevant that the Minister of Finance of the Euro area will in future be led by an Irishman, and not, as generally expected from a Spaniard. Both candidates, Paschal Donohoe and Nadia Calviño, fulfilled the technical criteria, which are the Chairman of the Euro group. A key factor in the choice Donohoes yet. Because Calviño had not been by chance, as a high favourite of all four large EU countries had put behind you. Especially the German support for a candidate from the South of Europe had Calviños choice as a safe appear. However, because small and big States in the Euro group, in each case exactly one voice, it wasn’t enough that the big Four were unanimous. Apparently did not like many of the smaller countries, especially the Finance Ministers of Germany and France believed, it’s all over smooth, if only you had agreed.

On the only a few days old German EU-presidency, the election throws up a result, not a good light. The Chancellor and her Finance Minister had been so strongly behind Calviño, because they wanted to win the benevolence of Spain and Italy again, which was lost at the beginning of the Corona pandemic. They neglected that the EU consists not only of four, but made up of 27 member States. Your claim that EU member States after the pandemic back together, you will not be able to redeem. As an honest European brokers EU must main-presidency, all our countries to keep in view, not only the supposedly.

the hoped-for Franco-Spanish Alliance is damaged. Calviño suspected a conspiracy against him, and complains that not all of the Ministers, have to get of which you support, you would have chosen. If this is true, is not decisive. The choice has to be destroyed in the EU trust. It may be recoverable. The conditions for the difficult negotiations on the EU recovery funds, in the coming week, but not become better.