The heat wave, the swarms locusts… These are all scourges that it is difficult to defeat. There is also the selfie stick. Did you think she was buried? You might be wrong. This summer, it is making a comeback. Even though it’s been banned in many tourist areas (from Disneyland to Chateau de Versailles), duckface is still very popular with fans. The many deaths that have been made in the quest for the best shot are not a factor. These completely unattractive objects have their followers. Even today, there is an heir.

It was popular. Technology rushes in when there is a market. Snap engineers had a lot of fun inventing Nais Pixy a mini-drone that can take photos completely autonomously.

It is a beautiful image. The image is beautiful. But how does it work? Is it more efficient than an extendable pole? There is nothing to be said about the ease of use. Simply hold the object in your hands and press the button to let it fly in the air. Pixy can track the movements of the “master” by using facial recognition technology.

We think the concept is scary. This is especially true for those who aren’t comfortable with the Snap sunglasses with integrated cameras. We are aiming at the crazy selfie-loving crowd. Pixy can take short bursts or video portraits in less than one minute with just one click. Pure happiness…

It can also choose the mode via a wheel on its back. The drone can either stay stationary, move back, turn around, or follow its owner’s movements. Before finally landing in his hands.

It is not a joke, but it is the first flying camera of its type, in the same way that previous drones needed to be piloted. It is possible to render a beautiful rendering without actually doing anything. In “revelation”, the device is launched at 4.5m high. This allows for the background to be shown at once in a cinematic effect. He can capture fun sequences, such as turning around small groups at a dance party, with the 360deg mode.

It remains to be seen if Pixy can replace the selfie stick this Summer. Not sure. The small device is limited in practical use. It is loud, just like any drone. It is impossible to take discreet selfies: everyone looks at you with the little yellow contraption. It doesn’t have the best effect…

Another limitation is that the device cannot withstand water or wind. It is better to take it outside in good weather. The slightest zephyr can make it rock. Sometimes you will need to do it multiple times. You should also note that drones are prohibited in many areas, such as the Pixy which still restricts their use (for example, the whole of Paris).

The last limitation, technical this time, is that the camera captures low quality dark scenes and scenes with high contrast very poorly. A smartphone with high-end features will render better. The drone’s only advantage is its ability to view from a height, possibly.

The Pixy initiative is not about throwing away everything. It is already a first. All the captured selfies can then be imported into Snapchat with a touch of Snapchat. The stickers and filters that Snapchat is famous for allow you to modify them as you wish. This “flying camera”, while it won’t capture your wedding in a unique way, is still able to allow you to have fun with your friends. It was a lovely afternoon. It’s a distraction for 250 euros, but it is still very affordable, especially in these times of rising prices.

Snap Pixy: 132mmx106mmx18mm, 101g. 12MP camera, 2.7k videos, 5-8 flight battery, 16GB storage. $249.99. has more information