Some breathing room for students. In her general policy speech on Wednesday, July 6, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne stated that scholarships will be revalued. A proposal is being made to increase the price of the university meal ticket from 1 euro to scholarship holders.

According to Franceinfo and BFMTV, this Thursday’s Council of Ministers meeting will discuss the purchasing power bill.

During Emmanuel Macron’s previous five year term, the scholarships had only increased by 3.3%. This revaluation follows increases in social minima (unemployment benefits, RSA etc.). to combat galloping inflation.

The amount of scholarships available at the moment is spread across 7 levels. They range from 1,042 euros up to 5,736 euro per year, depending on the student’s situation.

These scholarship students, as well as those who have been identified by the Crous, will enjoy a one-euro meal in university restaurants instead of 3.30 euros.

Students with financial difficulties will be able to receive the extraordinary solidarity aid of 100 euros that Emmanuel Macron promised for 9 million French citizens. This includes scholarship students, people who are eligible for occasional assistance from the Crous, and those who receive APL from outside their home.