This roundtable will discuss the current regulations of trading hours, as announced by the minister Reyes Maroto

When did you now start the sales of winter?

The minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has announced today the creation of a working group to study the current regulation of business hours and sales periods. It is a contentious debate, since they liberalised the rebates, in 2012, each business can decide when to make the discounts.

The small trade complaint that this harms them because they do not have the ability of the large companies of the textile to offer the same discounts outside of the offer period.

so, the idea is that this week of work to address this debate, or “open” at least. “Our responsibility is to open the debate and see what are the positions and the decision more accurate,” said Maroto for his involvement in the Madrid Retail Congress, organized by the Spanish Confederation of Commerce (CEC).

This organization takes time to criticize the policy of discounts continuing throughout the year by the big chains. According to Maroto, there are some autonomous communities that have also claimed the creation of this work table because they say they are limited to the time of take measures to limit the trading hours, because the state law that prevents it.

In a meeting held with the representatives of the CEC in the past month of October Maroto already has already agreed to create a working committee to analyse the consequences that has had for the retail trade the liberalization of the sales.

The CEC regrets that the small business is ” surviving “thanks to the efforts of the prices down that is doing it.” The industry expects that, following the fall in sales will result in the closure of up to 20% of the smes in trade in the next year.

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