The German government has made “significant compensation payments, in order to compensate Survivors of the Holocaust and other victims of the Nazi regime,” and the United States have encouraged the Federal Republic of Germany “and supported”. So it is in a font set, the the American government on the 26. In may 2020, when the Supreme court in Washington has filed. Explicitly closes the support of the German efforts to redress a confirmed and continued the process that Germany has found to the various settlement of disputes concerning the Restitution of cultural property.

the activities of The so-called Limbach Commission, which make recommendations in cases of dispute where the time limits in the civil law are passed, according to the statement of the Ministry of justice, the mechanisms of amicable settlement is preferable since 1945, Washington held the line, according to the legal process, with its exorbitant costs. As the brief says, the American policy of the legal handling of crimes of the state of the principle that the States should establish justice, whose officials have committed the crime.