can be Like a good television, if you look at the best on Youtube. There thirty recordings of the series are to be found “To the Person”, which has led Günter Gaus between 1963 and 2004, under this or a similar title for six different television stations as an Interviewer. It is model-like conversations, the depth, seriousness and politeness, reminiscent of a sunken Land. They show that a clever, is able to produce led dialogue in three quarters of an hour, any amount of world knowledge and insight. You make it clear just how dispensable both the punched Abfragerei today’s Sandman Talk Shows, as well as the routine Struggle of our Talk-provocateurs is.

two hundred and forty-five conversations has led Gaus with his S-pitzer-Stein-debate-his first on 10. In March 1963 for the ZDF, with Ludwig Erhard. The then Vice-Chancellor and economy Minister, a powerful man; Gaus, thirty-three years young, but ageless-acting and works as an editor of the “süddeutsche”. It begins quite harmless: “they have come a long way, Mr. Secretary, and awards and honors know. There is a distinction that you are particularly pleased?“ He is Erhard the opportunity, earthly trivialities equal to wipe out and to come to the Main – fogged by cigar smoke, against the Gaus’ cigarette smoke is modest. As a Last Gaus asks whether Erhard wanted to be Chancellor. The answer is not mischievous, he believe “that so much of imagination is needed to answer this question”. Two hundred and twenty days after the broadcast, Erhard, Chancellor and Gaus is on the way, the “most famous back of the head of the German television”, as formulated by Walter Jens, because Gaus is always seen only from the back.