It is not an isolated case. All too often you hear this sentence when it comes to the work-up of sexual abuse. Now the Berlin “Kentler experiment is also apparent in the case of” an entire network behind it: Apparently, for decades, children who were as severely disabled educable were, and sometimes were sent, of Berlin’s youth welfare offices to pedophile foster dads. The end of the sixties initiated by the social worker and sexologist, Helmut Kentler (1928 to 2008), a model for the public child and youth welfare. Young people under would be “drifter” in the case of Pederasts, so his perfidious logic, they were much easier to socially integrate, because only pedophiles care for fathers to be able to make this a “feeble-minded” children and young people to endure and to love.

Hannah Bethke

feuilleton correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

From 1966 to 1974, Kentler head of Department in the Educational center (PZ) in Berlin, the Senator for education directly, and was. As the Senate demanded, publications are expected to be “under the circumstances, after having considered by the house of representatives”, was the founding Director Carl-Ludwig Furck 1970 under Protest. Kentler took advantage of his position to influence the policy of the Senate, for which he also worked as a consultant and expert adviser. Until the beginning of the 2000s, initiated care existed of him in the case of pedophiles, and in part because of sexual offences convicted men.

Until 2016, has adopted the Berlin Senate administration for education, youth and family the thing. A first opinion on the workup of the Case was given at the göttingen Institute for democracy research in order. There is a second by a research team from the University of Hildesheim, Germany, has now presented its results followed. According to scientists, it is in these cases is clearly “child is at risk, and public responsibility”. Education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) admits: “The authorities have failed.”

Reportedly no one knew anything

it has been repeatedly claimed that no one had knowledge of the incidents. Anyone who reads the writings of Kentler, the aim is very clearly to legitimate pädosexueller actions, may, however, be to believe, it was not clear, wes spirit child of the man. Alone, he was not with these items: Berlin became in the seventies, to the center of the education reform and the anti-authoritarian education under the guise of emancipation and the supposed freedom of the children could be translated into abuse.

As the reigning mayor Willy Brandt called on the planning Committee for the establishment of the PZ to life; he also Hellmut Becker was a member, was the head of the newly founded Institute for educational research in the Max Planck society. His Name is after the abuse scandals in the Odenwald school notoriety. It is not by chance also the Hildesheimer researchers refer to as on links between the Odenwald school and the Berlin Senate administration, which has apparently been not only in Berlin but throughout Germany, care of children in the care of pedophile men.

This report leaves no doubt: There were signals that “would have produced a point for the termination of the care, and trespasses against the rules for the care of children’s aid notes”. Time, with witnesses confirmed that the “Kentler-model” have been in the Senate, administration, and sometimes also in the district youth offices on acceptance was encountered.