Scott Carlin know in eight years, what should be his purpose in life: Tattooing. Since he was sixteen and began to mistreat the own skin in the self test. Now, the lean torso of the Mittzwanzigers to the performance show has become his passion, however, one must say that it is a rather unfortunate love. To open Scott’s Plan, together with three Slacker friends, a Tattoo Restaurant, where the dining guests should get more bloody meat on the plate, fails to recognize the own Can. In the Tattoo Studios of Staten Island, the young man is notorious. So he still lives with his widowed mother in this most boring of the five Boroughs of New York. As a promise, the camera captures a far rear on the other side of the Bay, the Silhouette of Manhattan. When he got there, would be Scott Carlin is the King. He is, however, only “The King of Staten Island”.

Andreas platthaus

editor responsible for the literature and literary life.

F. A. Z.

So the new Film from Judd Apatow, the 1967-born Director has, together with the more than thirty years younger a Stand-up Comedian Pete written by Davidson is called. The plays also the main role, and the biography of Scott is based on Davidson’s life. Both have lost in their early Childhood by their fathers who died as a fireman in the service. Both suffer from Crohn’s disease, but so overwrought, as if they were permanently on drugs. This Comedy is more than just a tragic train woven, and the superficiality of Scott’s circle of friends (let alone his love relationship), which will be presented in the first twenty minutes of the film from Apatow, will hurt. Laughter about Suffering (of their own in the cinema) – according to this recipe, Hollywood Comedy works has always been, the Boom of embarrassment, of the reigns on the canvas for a quarter of a century, drives the only on the top. In the embarrassment of the punishment is part of it.

escalation on the verbal level

Apatow, this success formula has added one Iota. And Davidson is no more than just another Virtuoso of this embarrassment, only a very young, addressing exactly the right target group, which represents the largest part of the American moviegoers. For you The King of Staten Island “made” – a commercial legitimate process, but who claims here would offer anything New, has a long memory, or he has not yet seen much. “The King of Staten Island” is similar to the torso of his title character: countless set pieces and quotes, but ultimately no more than a PANOPTICON. It would be nice if such films were once under the skin.

This omission must not lessen the fun, especially in the first third of the film, if the law is passed narrow personnel. As the Last Ray Bishop meets a moustache bearded bald man, whose adventures wanted to get a funny nine-year-old son of Scott of the Punisher in the upper arm stung, but then after the first line, the needle crying and ran for home. As expected, escalated this Situation.