Deutsche Telekom expects that with a cost of at least three billion euros, should banish the Federal government, the use of Chinese mobile technology. The “Handelsblatt” reported, citing a document that was supposed to prepare a Meeting between top managers of Telekom, and the Chinese network equipment supplier Huawei.

It by playing games in the event that Telecom dispense with the services and products of the Chinese group in the new 5G network, and built-in components need replacing. This scenario will be called “Armageddon”. The process would take up to five years. Even with the risk of a disruption of supply chains due to American sanctions against Huawei, the paper was working.

The Telekom would not comment, according to the report, a spokesman said, therefore, however: “the exclusion of Huawei in 5G would also require a Dismantling of 4G. Germany would be thrown back to solid at the 5G Development.“ Huawei rejected according to the report, an opinion on the internal documents.

From the Bundestag criticism come accordingly. “Telekom has to explain,” said Falko Mohrs, 5G-Rapporteur of the SPD. Speaking of Armageddon, have “nothing to do with clean planning”, it was “propaganda”.