The mayor of Orihuela defends its protection by its ability to reuse water, for the benefits that it generates and because of its historical values

The SYA of the Vega Baja defends it is a sector strategy

The director of Agriculture highlights exports in 2017: 1.371 million

The III International Symposium of the Agri-food Sector (SYA) of the Vega Baja which started yesterday in Orihuela became a defense of the agricultural sector of the province and especially in the orchard of the Low Secure to their economic values, environmental, scenic and historical. Also because this is an activity growing, sustainable and renewable, year after year, generates benefits.

about the director of territorial Agriculture and Rural Development, Carmen Catalá, stressed the importance of agriculture for the province of Alicante, where, in 2017, exports, especially fruits and vegetables, reached a value of 1,371 million euros. And you mentioned that most of these products are grown in the south of the province especially in the Vega Baja.

on the other, the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, claimed the protection of the huerta de la Vega Baja because of its efficiency in the use of water and for its cultural heritage value.

In this sense, he assured that the irrigation to blanket the garden is sustainable, efficient and conserves the environment because its waters are reused in at least five or six occasions for the irrigation of so many other plots.

The mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, on a tractor. EDG

“Our orchard is ancient and is based on the re-use of water resources effectively as we all know, and now reflect several university studies,” stressed the mayor of Orihuela, who added: “We must protect the garden while keeping the watering blanket with the consequent improvements.”

Rejected Emilio Bascuñana the installation of drip irrigation, widespread in the traditional orchard and claimed responsibility for the irrigation systems of irrigation traditional.


The opening session counted with the presence of the aforementioned Carmen Catalá, the minister of Agriculture, Noelia Grau, the Vice-rector of Infrastructures of the UMH, Juan José Ruiz Martínez, and the Director of the secretariat of Postgraduate Studies of the UA, Aurora Ribes. The representatives of the different administrations and universities agreed to assess the activity food of the Vega Baja and provincial, as a strategic sector, current and future. There, exposed, the need for experts and companies in the sector, together with universities and institutions, match in events such as the SYA for analysis of the keys to growth and development in agri-food that on this occasion addresses the Funding, internationalisation and sustainability.

Emilio Bascuñana wanted to emphasize on the sections of the symposium “are three interrelated factors that make this sector forward at a rapid pace and companies of our region come out of Spain, causing the rest of the world put your eyes here, in us, in the huerta of Orihuela, in the garden of the Vega Baja del Segura”.

The days that will continue this Friday, there are 14 stands of different companies and as one of the novelties of this year, an exhibition of agricultural machinery. Also have been organized activities with school children, with the aim of promoting healthy eating and to promote the products of the area land. Numerous school groups have already ceased to see in the first day.

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