What is a Museum? A “polyphonic place”. As a part of the provision in the draft of a new Definition of the Museum, the debate in September last year in Kyoto by the General Assembly of ICOM, the world Association of museums, and to the year 2021 has been postponed is. The German section of ICOM has in the meantime asked its members to the Text of the draft, and to each of the text block, as well as to all the elements of the current version of the Definition from the year 1974.
it Is important to say from the Museum in an official Definition that it is a polyphonic place? 147 German members of ICOM – individuals who do not speak for their museums – have answered in the affirmative the question of 101 in the negative. The small-scale procedure has inevitably led to the result of the survey is, how the Museum should be: a lot of voices. The head of the German section, which was in Kyoto, the Opposition to the Neutöner, it is not clear from the opinion of the mission, to blow the world Federation at the next annual General meeting of the March. What was posted in what is the pay ratio as an important or unimportant goal of Museum work (democratisation: 133 to 115, planetary well-being: 80 to 137), there is a need, therefore, once weighted, because only 302 members participated in the vote, less than five percent.
From the fix, to a complex leaf play, freed the German voting guide now the news that have thrown away against players of the instruments. The President of ICOM, Suay Aksoy, has declared, with immediate effect and her resignation, and two Board members resigned, including Léontine Meijer-van Mensch (Dresden). With the Revision of the Definition of Committee responsible for leaving seven members, including the Chairman Jette Sandahl.
If a Museum is supposed to be a polyphonic space, what is the organization of all the museums in the world for a room, then? Currently a kakophoner and precisely because any discord is avoided. Substantive reasons for the resignations have not been notified. One perhaps-not-open-enough articulated concerns about the new Definition States that a lot of their vocabulary from the world language of culture policy are as euphemisms commonly, formulas, a bogus beautiful sound. Polyphony presupposes harmony, but what is the diversity of voices will really endure?