The trade dispute between USA and China continues to rock high. US PräsidentDonald Trump has new Zölleauf Chinese goods in volume of 200 billion dollars, government in Beijing should actually implement ir planned Vergeltungszöllefür earlier U.S. surcharges. Trump described planned step as a retaliatory measure. China, on or hand, described US president’s recent announcement as “blackmail.”

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Trump informed him that he had instructed SeinenHandelsbeauftragten to compile a list of relevant goods. The surcharge should be ten percent. SollteChina in response to new US step itself NeueZölle impose, US would “respond with additional customs duties of anor 200 billion dollars in goods”.

He has an excellent relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and he will continue to work with him on many issues, Trump explained. “But United States can no longer be used in trade by China and or countries in world,” he added.

China protested against latest trumps threats. The US approach of “extreme pressure and blackmail” was a result of consensus that both sides had achieved in several rounds of negotiations, in a statement by Chinese Department of Commerce. If US were to implement plans, China would take appropriate countermeasures.

Financial markets respond

After Trump’s announcement, dollar in Far East gave up Yennach, Tokyo stock market opened in minus. DieFurcht before a full-blown US Chinese Handelskrieghatte previously burdened stock market in New York.

The US initially imposed protective duties on steel undAluminiumimporte. Trump n ordered tariffs from 25Prozent to more than 800 Chinese goods, including Autossowie industrial and high-tech goods. The volume amounts to 50 billion dollars. The measure establishes sichnach information from US Presidential office on goods from Demstrategischen “Made in China 2025” program that DieVolksrepublik wants to boost its economy, “but harms dasWirtschaftswachstum of United States and many andererLänder.”

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China responded with announcement of voneigenen tariffs of 25 percent to 659 us products such as meat, vegetables, soy, whiskey, tobacco and cars. Again, DasVolumen is 50 billion dollars.