the actor will turn against Joanne K. Rowling, which she has with her “Harry Potter”books is a world career, British employees of the publishing group that has brought a significant increase in sales and, in her next children’s book, “The Ickabog” should appear: With Hachette, the “Daily Mail” reported, refuse, young, politically left-liberal and “woke” set of employees, further to the Print publication of Rowling announced, in Parts as a pandemic of solace online published story work as a sign of protest against the supposedly transphob branded Comments from the author.

Since she had turned over on Twitter against the gender linguistic description of women as “people who menstruate” and in an Essay on her Website that she sees as a former victim of male violence in the denial of biological sex, among other things, the threat of protection spaces for women, has swelled a wave of indignation, the comb breaks now, apparently, in the desire to Ban not only the socio-political speeches Rowling’s, but also their literary works. The management of Hachette turns, as the next “Fantastic beasts”-Film producer, Warner Bros., behind the writer, and shall consider freedom of speech as a cornerstone of the publishing business. If employees wanted to take care of a tape, the contents of reluctant to you personally, go to the right. But the views of the Lite not advise beyond the book, there would be discussion.

disconnect The dispute to an artist from his work – that is gone at Hachette ever wrong when it came to the auto-biography of Woody Allen’s. Massive internal protests had prevented their publication. In All of the allegation in the room to have a adoptive daughter sexually abused is a massive offence. And it was written by him self-representation. In the case of Rowling, it is a factory remote, not justitiable Statements that are to be seen in the context of the British debate, to the case of TRANS-gender rights in the Gender Recognition Act.