Erdoğan’s Turkey discovers new friends. August 18, 2018, 16:44 UhrEditiert on August 18 2018, 16:44 UhrDIE time No. 34/201871 comments

Read Turkish original here. The text has been edited easily for German version.

“Washington must be aware of fact that Turkey has alternatives. If we do not succeed in reversing this trend (…) of disrespect, we must look for new friends and allies. ” These two sentences from guest post of Turkish president Erdoğan in New York Times last week included two important messages:

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First, we can get out of Western alliance.

Secondly, we have alternatives.

These lines are shared with government-side perception that US had declared to Turkey economic war and anti-American sentiment in which public dollar banknotes are burned.

When Erdoğan made US Pastor Brunson, who has been held hostage in Turkey for 22 months, trump card in exchange of Poker with Washington, he hardly suspected that matter would escalate in such a way. But re is also a man with a big ego in White House, so that crisis escalated rapidly when US decided to take punitive action over Brunson. The Turkish economy, which has been kriselnde for months, broke down and Turkish lira collapsed.

Can Dündar

Is editor-in-chief of newly founded web portal Özgürüz in Germany. He writes for time a weekly column about crisis in Turkey.

For time being, Erdoğan seems to have succeeded in selling crisis triggered by clusters of mistakes as a “us conspiracy” and protests on Trump redirect. But tearing gang to west, it is not likely that “new friends” will fill resulting vacuum.

Neverless, scenario described is supplemented by following developments: Russia, where Turkey wants to buy S-400 missiles and has joint energy projects, agreed to repeal visa requirement for Turks. Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak announced that he had returned home from his visit to China with a credit package of 3.6 billion dollars. The Iranian foreign minister criticized US sanctions and signaled that one is standing on side of Turkey.

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“With countries like Iran, Russia and China, where our biggest trading volume is, we are in process of trading in our national currencies in near future,” Erdoğan said.

The result is a picture of a turkey that ends its hundred-year march to west and is looking for a partner on Axis Russia – Iran – China. Is this actually a search or a new bluff? Erdoğan’s thoughts to read is difficult. Although re are conflicts of interest with Russia in Syria, it certainly feels more comfortable at table of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Hassan Ruhani.

However, over three-quarters of all direct investment in Turkey comes from west. In last year, China was ranked one of importing countries, followed by Germany. By far, Germany is at forefront of exports. This makes Germany most important anchor for Turkey’s western bond. In this respect too, Erdoğan’s Berlin visit is of historical importance in September.

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From Turkish by Sabine Adatepe