The German stock market is trending claims on Thursday just. With a Minus of the last 0.5 percent of the price losses of the previous day will continue with a significant slowdown in the foam. Originally claimed the opening was expected, but the futures contracts, expanded to the American stock market in the Morning their losses and are currently experiencing a once again lighter opening of Wall Street.

The Dax attempts to find a bottom, said Andreas Lipkow by Comdirect Bank. The news situation remained rather negatively colored because of the risk of a second Corona wave to take, and the trade conflict between the United States and the EU gains in sharpness, so the market expert.

On Wednesday was the default value index for the same reasons, to 3.4 percent in favor.Rising infection numbers in the Wake of the Coronavirus pandemic in Parts of the world, had sent the stock markets around the world plunging. “Everyone is afraid of a second wave, not only in the United States, but also in Latin America, Brazil and Russia,” said Analyst Jigar Trivedi from the brokerage house Anand Rathi. Against this Background, a record of strong rise in the Ifo Index, was not able to brake on the descent, especially as the International monetary Fund lowered its economic forecasts for Germany from a contraction of nearly 8 percent run out.

Also on Wall Street, the courses were like. The S&P 500 Index had fallen 2.6 percent to 3050 meters and even the technology stocks Index, Nasdaq-100 2% to 10.002,69 points will be lost. The new infections in the United States reached on Wednesday on a day of maximum value since April. The leading American immunologist Anthony Fauci spoke of a “worrying increase” in several States.

Dax – 3 months DAX ® — — (–) Xetra lang & SchwarzCitigroupBNP Paribas 1T 1W 3M 1J 3J 5J For detail view

Meanwhile, the United States open, apparently, a new round of trade conflict, this time with the EU and the UK. From a communication by the us trade representative show that the government is considering tariffs on Goods to the value of 3.1 billion dollars. Affected by, among other things, beer, chocolate, olive and Gin could be.

At the Asian markets, the sale rail pressure ebb and flow, but the markets in Hong Kong and mainland China were closed for holidays. In Tokyo the Nikkei Index fell by 1.2 percent to 22.260 points, South Korean Kospi declined by 2.3 percent.

Bayer 1 year, BAYER — — (–) London SE Int. Level 1XetraTradegateSchweiz OTCStuttgartLang & black Switzerland OTCFrankfurtSchweizWienSchweiz 1T 1W 3M 1J claim 3J 5J For detail view

Against the Trend can Bayer, among others, the share of the chemical company. This has been agreed in the dispute over the allegedly cancer-causing weed killer glyphosate in the United States, with a majority of the plaintiffs on a settlement. For this purpose, Bayer will have to spend up to $ 11 billion.