The observation is correct: in terms of the heated discussions about when and how the schools should return to the Corona-Shutdown in the regulation there is a debate about the actions of the universities, surprisingly little. Without any major Controversy, they have prescribed a “digital semester”, and the way it looks currently, there will be in the next winter semester, not a full lecture halls. In this sense, has not expressed an opinion, only the University of Giessen. The concern is that the universities are catalysts of a possible second wave of Infection: Recently, the Frankfurt Uni-President, Birgitta Wolff said, they wanted their University to “Heinsberg in the Rhine-Main-area”.

The worry is justified. According to a study by Cornell University, the pattern of social exchange mountains of pathogens among students at high risk for the spread of disease. Because students used many of the contacts about the course and subject boundaries, could jump a Virus quickly from one host to the next, my the researchers.

No attack on the core of the training

in Addition, the urgency to find a kind of normal state, is in the schools is greater than in the universities. Seriously the needs of the parents, the need to reconcile work and “Homeschooling” to each other, to the danger that a student can be suspended with unfavorable conditions by the formation of progress. The ability to self-responsible Learning, whether in the laboratory, in the library or in front of the home screen is a basic prerequisite for each course of study (or at least it should be). In this respect, the need, the curriculum for a while on digital channels to acquire, yet no attack on the core of the academic training.

the exchange in a personal conversation and experimentation not only by mouse-click highly valuable and indispensable components of the University’s learning, but also undisputed. As a justification for a gradual farewell to the presence, doctrine of the Corona must not be in need of crisis miss.