New options for the treatment of nerve injury and multiple sclerosis could open a discovery by researchers at the University of Mainz. Together with colleagues from the Swiss city of Fribourg have shown that the active ingredient theophylline promotes in mice the Regeneration of nerve fiber sheaths. Nerves have a protective sheath surrounded by the Myelin sheath. It is damaged, or as in the case of MS by disease processes destroyed, it can lose the affected nerve function.

Sascha Zoske

sheet-makers in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The neuro-biologists, a Protein identified that plays in the restoration of the Myelin a very important role. This repair works well for peripheral nerve, worse in the spinal cord and brain, it is also age-dependent.

By administration of theophylline, a substance occurring in tea leaves and as a asthma medication is used in the Myelin formation in the Central and peripheral nervous system can be improved, even in older mice. The researchers now want to test in clinical trials whether the results can be transmitted to humans.