When the protests against election fraud in Belarus has been the third night in a row a lot of arrests. In social media, there were reports that security forces acted once again brutal against peaceful protesters. In the news channel Telegram Videos have been released that show how Uniformed civilians to beat up and kick. How many people were in police custody, was unclear. Overall, the situation was, in the opinion of observers, but first of all, quieter than in the nights before.

hundreds of people took part in a number of cities in the protests. In the capital, Minsk, larger and smaller groups moved through the streets. The police tried to disperse the crowd. It came to clashes. It is also rubber bullets were fired. To see how stun grenades were fired. In Minsk, built in the demonstrators barricades.

After the presidential election on Sunday, the country broke out-wide protests. The anger of many people is directed against the head of state, Aleksandr Lukashenko, who clings to 26 years in office in his Power. He threatened several times with the use of the military. Svetlana Tichanowskaja, which was declared on Monday the winner of the presidential elections in the country, has left the country to Lithuania, is obviously under a lot of pressure of the regime.

Minsk rejects criticism from abroad

The EU announced, meanwhile, to reconsider their relations with Belarus. After the violence of security forces against demonstrations after the presidential election would be considered action against the responsible parties and government officials, who had interfered in the vote, and said the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Tuesday. The people of Belarus had shown that they wanted a change, but the elections were neither free nor fair.