After Twitter and Facebook, Amazon is the third tech company to plan massive layoffs – and is already doing so, as a top manager confirms. You will lose many “talented Amazonians”. According to insiders, cuts are to be expected in one area in particular.

The Internet group Amazon has started the first major downsizing in its company history. Dave Limp, Senior Vice President of Devices

The Amazon manager referred to an “unusual and uncertain macroeconomic environment”. “Following an in-depth review, we have recently decided to consolidate some teams and programs. One of the consequences of these decisions is that some features are no longer needed. It pains me to deliver this news as we know that this means we talented Amazonians from the Devices

The affected employees were personally notified on Tuesday. Limp explained that they would support each individual and help them find a new job. Employees who can no longer be employed at Amazon should receive a package of severance pay, transitional benefits and external support with job placement.

Around 1.6 million people work at Amazon worldwide, most of them in the logistics centers of the online retail giant. The division that takes care of the voice assistant Alexa, the smart Echo loudspeakers and artificial intelligence applications is particularly affected by the cuts. According to estimates by industry insiders, this area is in deficit. So far, the expectations of the Amazon leadership that online orders will increasingly be processed via Alexa and an Echo device have not yet been fulfilled.