Small and medium-sized enterprises, which hold your training courses or even more apprenticeships than in the past to offer, can now anAnträge on premiums the Federal government. The program “training seats” will start on Saturday, as Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD), and Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU) said on Friday. A total of 500 million euros are therefore available.

companies that received their training performance compared to the previous three years to maintain, can apply for a one-time training bonus in the amount of 2000 euros for each for the training year 2020 concluded training contract. Companies that increase their training performance, for each additional completed training contract once 3000 euros.

incentives to take on apprentices of enterprises due to the pandemic insolvent. Companies get per Apprentice for a premium of 3000 euros.”Apprentices are the professionals of tomorrow,” said Heil. Some of these well-qualified professionals.

“Young people should also begin in the academic year 2020/2021 a vocational training course, or successfully complete can lead,” said Karliczek. Daniel one-third octave Bach, member of the Board of the Federal employment Agency, said: “The education premium can help to prevent a ‘training year Corona.”

training, at the earliest, on 1 be Promoted. August 2020 start. This also applies if the training contract has already been concluded earlier. The Central Association of German crafts (ZDH), welcomed the program, but criticized the application process “is, unfortunately, more complicated than necessary”.