Job it will take up the maximum contribution base is “a little below” the 10% in 2019

Work borrows 13,000 million and the Fees the Tobin and Google to be able to pay pensions in 2019

The Government wants to avoid a direct confrontation with the employers on account of his decision to revoke the core of the labour market reform of 2012 with the backing of the unions. Magdalena Valerio, minister of Labour, said yesterday that the Government has not closed any agreement behind the backs of the CEOE, as was evident last week, when the address of CCOO met their federal executive to give approval to a number of points to change in the regulation as agreed with the Government to make its next approval. Mari Cruz Vicente, secretary of union action, as detailed in a press conference last Thursday, also calling for the agreement to move as soon as possible to the Council of Ministers.

however, Valerio said that a day later, he called the president of the employer, Antonio Garamendi, to deny any type of exclusive agreement with the trade unions. “Sometimes members of the board of trust of the media headlines, and… the Government has not closed any agreement behind the backs of the CEOE,” he said yesterday in the Committee on the Work of the Congress of Deputies. “Yes we did so with the SMI, recognised in relation to the rise of the 22% of the Minimum Wage launched by the Government last October . “But we have not dynamited the social dialogue”, he defended. The Government is, therefore, to temper the tempers of CEOE who was caught as well in the full renovation of the dome that will accompany Garamendi in the new journey of the organization. However, employers reacted in a statement by showing their “surprise, indignation and concern” at the “break one-sided social dialogue on the part of the Government and trade unions”.

The measures put in place by the Government in this final stretch of the year will, among other things, a rise of close to 7% in the maximum basis for contributions. Work has moderated notably, this increase, that in a principle was placed by the Independent Fiscal Authority AIReF at a maximum of 12% and it was only a week, according to the Valerius, fell to around 10% for salaries above 45,000 euros.

The responsible of Labour and Social Security announced also that before the end of the year, the Government will approve a round of € 350 million to “alleviate the effects of the lack of training offer”, which will see the light by means of a ministerial order before the end of the year. This standard will include training actions for employment at the state level aimed primarily at employed persons. Valerio pointed out that the current legal framework to promote these measures of training is not useful, something that match employers and trade unions.

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