A borrowed Saint Sebastian was Rudolf Wacker 1927 in the Studio company. The Vorarlberg brought up the ancient wooden sculpture, together with a cactus on the canvas and earned with the sale of the image enough for the purchase of the carving. The letters suggest that the artist felt at that time, even as a Martyr, because his magical realism new York times reaped. Well played “still life with St. Sebastian” in the Dorotheum auction house in Vienna for 300,000 euros (estimate 80.000/140.000). The competition in the Kinsky, a new artist record crowned the division, Classical Modern: There Koloman Moser’s male Nude “box of loneliness climbed” out of an estimated 250.000 to 500.000 Euro on proud of 750,000 euros; the long under rated painting of the secessionist movement experienced for some time a recovery.

Intimate female Nudes by Schiele were asked in both houses. In the Dorotheum, an American telephone bidder was able to entkleid the expressive chalk drawing “at the end of a woman” of 1917 for 220,000 euros (180.000/260.000) conquer; in the Kinsky a delicate pencil sketched Nude rose on good 180,000 euros (70.000/140.000). By Klimt, the Kinsky mediated the distinctive “portrait of a woman in profile to the left” of 1904/05 170,000 euros (75.000/150.000). To work the many paper there, Albin Egger-Lienz was one of’ painting with watercolours painted “the sower”, the award amounted to 135,000 euros (100.000/200.000). In the Dorotheum, Alfons Walde’s “Lone Berghof came” to 230 000 euros (280.000/340.000) and the village “Sunday in the Tyrol,” the town of 140,000 euros (80.000/140.000). In Kinsky, however, forest “encounter” failed at the Limit of 150,000 euros. What, for him, the Alps, were for norbertine Bresslern-Roth the animals: As a high-Flyer, your “Flamingos impressed” with 90 000 Euro (100.000/200.000); her exotic female Nude velvet calf “Far country” did with the award of EUR 80,000 is only half the Untertaxe. At the Dorotheum in Fernando Botero’s oil Painting slipped “Couple with umbrella” in spite of the emergence of the year 2004 in the bid of Classic Modernism, where it is Untertaxe of 18. 000 euros left. Tamara de Lempickas unfinished “girls are white cloth” of 1952 changed at 130,000 euros (80.000/120.000) the owner.

Maria lassnig’s work watchful eye on a 33 by 42 inches big screen was enjoyed at the time of the Dorotheum to Hit: The tenderer highly fought it from the expected 50,000 to 60,000 Euro to 185,000 Euro. Just thirteen inches of Warhol’s square screen print “Flowers measures” from 1964, in black and white, the tone with 180 000 its upper estimate. Under the gestural, abstract works is a square found by Hans Hartung in 180 centimeter popular: 160,000 euros (90.000/120.000) cost of light reflections, reminding one of paintings. A slightly older Dripping-work hardening reached 150,000 euros (90.000/ 120.000). The Obertaxe exceeded Emilio Vedova, whose 1984 format came with the Sand and colours of the Mediterranean-designed, High-150.000 euros (80.000/120.000). Also, the market value of Vedovas country wife, Carla Accardi is rising continuously, how the 85.000 euros (75.000/85.000) for their black-and-white composition, “Integrazione n. 2” of the 1957 documents. In the case of the contemporary art in Kinsky the Toplos not disappointed, “The window of a Fluidoid” by Hundertwasser, with the highest bid of 170,000 Euro (150.000/250.000). And Maria lassnig’s work, double portrait of “Frank and the Frankfurt” made its lower estimate of € 150,000.