living Alone students best riding to a little more than a third of your monthly income by Jobs. Of the average monthly income in the amount of 1060 euros in the year 2018 390 Euro, or 37 percent, came from Jobs such as Babysitting, waitressing or tutoring, such as the Federal Statistical office reported on Wednesday in Wiesbaden. Since these Jobs have simply vanished in the Corona-crisis, in whole or in part, be caused to financial constraints.

The average of 1060 Euro were, therefore, almost completely, namely, in the amount of 1030 Euro, for the private consumption to output. With close to 380 Euro, the Living had the largest share. Well 140 Euro, students spent on average for food, 110 euros for leisure and culture, 80 Euro for transport.

bridging help

Alone the statistics lived according to 2018, a quarter of the students, 21 percent lived in a residential community, and 17 percent with a Partner. By far the largest proportion (38 percent) lived with their parents.

The Federal government brought about because of the bottlenecks just a Bridge support on the way. This can be interest-free grants in the amount of 500 Euro per month or loans from a maximum of 650 Euro per month. Unlike the interest-free subsidy, the loans must be paid back. Federal education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) announced that a total of 100 million euros for the Bypass available.