The main Chinese diplomat, Wang Yi, met this Wednesday in Moscow with a Vladimir Putin who had just spit out all his hatred against the West in his last speech. Unsurprisingly, Wang gave his Kremlin colleagues several pats on the back, saying that China and Russia are the beacons that together will illuminate an alternative new world order to the one touted by liberal democracies.

“We are ready to strengthen our strategic partnership and deep cooperation with the Russian side,” the Beijing emissary said during his meeting with the Russian president, who replied that he was looking forward to President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow.

Wang Yi pointed out that neither China nor Russia will be “pressured” by other nations and will deepen their strategic cooperation. And he stressed that the relationship “has never been dictated by third parties.” The two leaders wanted to stress the importance of “multipolar” approaches as opposed to the “unipolar” approach of which they accuse the West and, in particular, the US.

Before meeting the Russian leader, the head of Beijing’s diplomacy sat down with Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister. “No matter how the international situation changes, China has been and remains willing to maintain the positive trend with Russia in building a new type of cooperative relationship between the major powers,” Wang said, reiterating upon his arrival, in a first face-to-face he had with Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian Security Council, a phrase he has repeated up to four times since the invasion of Ukraine began: “Beijing’s ties with Moscow are rock solid.”

“Our relations are developing securely and dynamically. And, despite the strong turbulence on the international scene, we demonstrate unity and willingness to defend the interests of both in accordance with international law and the central role of the United Nations,” he stressed. for his part Lavrov.

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