The Coronavirus crisis, the food threatens to worsen the situation in many regions of the world. This is evident from the annual report on the world nutrition, which was presented on Monday in Rome. Is published the report of various organizations of the United Nations, including the food and agriculture organisation FAO, the world food programme WFP and the health organization WHO.

Svea Young

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

According to the report, almost 690 million people suffered in the year 2019 Hunger, 10 million more than in 2018, and nearly 60 million more than five years ago. By the Corona-crisis, there could be again a rapid increase: in 2020, it could also be between 83 and 132 million people from malnutrition affected – even in countries and population groups that are otherwise at risk. At the same time, especially those who are suffering the consequences of the pandemic, today most on the vulnerable, says the report.

the United Nations remove itself from your target to end, by 2030, the Hunger and to achieve food security and better nutrition. Rather, the number of Hungry could rise within the next ten years to 840 million – the consequences of the Corona-crisis is not even taken into consideration, – stated in the report presented. After the number of those suffering Hunger, for decades, had to remove, extreme weather events due to climate change, conflicts and trade tensions, food insecurity rise again.

In Asia, are starving most of the people

Also in the goals set by the United Nations in the group of children, see the authors of catching up to do: Still 144 million of the world’s children are affected by malnutrition. In the case of the under five years old children, 7 percent are under-developed and 5.6% overweight.

most of the Hunger is widespread in Africa. There is 19.1 percent of the population with 250 million people from Hunger-affected – with a rising trend. Only in Asia, more people go to bed hungry in the case of a however, larger population. Nevertheless, could be reduced under-nutrition in the Region in the past few years, and the distribution rate is 8.3 percent, still below the global average of 8.9 percent. Most of the Hunger has increased in Latin America and the Caribbean. Within five years the number of malnutrition-affected people has increased by 8 million to a total of 48 million.

a Total of over 2 billion people have no regular access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food – including 88 million people in North America and Europe.