In the professional part of the competition, the Jury chose from more than 135,000 images, the winners of the ten categories, ranging from environmental documentation to to still-life. The best photos of the winner, we will show in this pictures gallery. Among the ten price two German carriers. The $ 25,000 prize for the “photographer of the year” goes to Pablo Albarenga from Uruguay.

In an open competition for strong individual images of the prize-winner Tom Oldham (United Kingdom) is called. In two other contests, the Awards, the organization signed the young talent. Ioanna sakellaraki was from Greece, Student Photographer of the Year ‘ for her series “Aeiforia”, which dealt with sustainable energy generation. The title of “Youth Photographer of the Year” wins Hsien-Pang Hsieh from Taiwan. A prize for his special contribution to the photography goes to the German book printer and publisher Gerhard Steidl.

Here can be seen all the winners and short list the photos of the different prices.

pictures of the route