It’s one thing to focus on new passenger cars, but when Tony Seba declared that all new vehicles would be zero emission by 2030, many commenters voiced their skepticism.

After all, buses, trucks and other large vehicles make up a significant chunk of transportation energy demand—and many of them have to travel over long distances. But there’s considerable progress being made on this front too. In China, for example, 20% of new buses are now apparently electric, and London is ploughing ahead with what it claims is the largest electric bus fleet in the world.

In the latest episode of Fully Charged, after a somewhat lengthy (and not entirely necessary, IMO) apology to supporters of a certain far right Dutch politician, Robert Llewellyn dives into the world of electric trucks, buses and Sultanbet other large vehicles. From an experiment in overhead truck charging from engineering group Siemens, to the aforementioned push toward electric buses in London, there’s some impressive stuff here.

Robert also debunks a recent Daily Mail article about the increased energy demand that widespread electric vehicle adoption would cause—and in the process, judging by the YouTube comments, he appears to have offended Daily Mail readers. Oh boy, I guess the next video will start with an apology too?

If you like what Robert’s doing—and have yet to be offended—please consider supporting Fully Charged with a pledge on Patreon.

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