Notice to mariners. Large companies and multinational are living a silent revolution and unprecedented on the part of their commanders means. The data is overwhelming, and companies have to rethink, calendar in hand, go into action to reinvent their employment policies. Nothing less that 80% of these workers have the intention of seeking a new job in 2020, according to a recent survey by the consulting firm Hays.

A leak, which explains, in the opinion of the president of the company personnel selection Auren BLC, Javier Cantera, for three reasons inevitable and that “we are seeing all the days”: fear of change or loss of employment as a result of digitization, “so that these managers seek opportunities in environments where there is less pressure digital”; escape into green companies and to those “where there is still a employability more human and material relation between people.”

it Is the case of a head area of the business sector of fashion, who asked to remain anonymous. With the outbreak of online sales, says, “I have the days counted.” For this reason, no doubt redirect their career and take the step to the “great consumption, where the scanning is not so aggressive”. Or an engineer who occupies a middle manager in a multinational where he manages more than 400 clients. “It’s very frustrating to spend 12 hours at work and come home to a feeling of not to give you the best service for the lack of time, pressure, or uncertainty about whether your boss will support your agreements. I want to make the leap to a smaller company and human, with greater responsibility and that allows me to have life,” says this professional.

professor and director of the Center for Human Resources at IE Business School, Pillar, Red, confirms the disruptive change of certain sectors that are threatening the careers of its workers. “Employees must adapt to the speed of lightning, to acquire new skills or adapt those that already have in other companies”. A pressure whose immediacy not many are willing to assume, therefore, that, as provided by the European Commission, more than half a million digital jobs will be unfilled only in 2020.

increases, so the gap to find the appropriate profiles that companies look for and whose offer in Spain, of 1.25 million jobs in the next five years, threatens to become deserted. Something that you can not allow a country with an unemployment rate close to 14%. This deficiency suffer from already 83% of the companies, who point out that six out of every ten workers as poorly prepared or trained for their needs, reveals the Guide of the labour market to 2019, Hays, filed this week.

With this suffocating situation as a backdrop, Fernando Calvo, director of People and Culture of a human resources consultant, adds other reasons responsible for this potential mass exodus of professionals: the salary (32%); the lack of enthusiasm in future roles (23%) and absence of progression and training (22%). Although he recognizes that “the new year provides the perfect opportunity for change,” warns of the danger of starting this search of employment “without regard to what you really want from the next job opportunity”.

there Will be growth

And it is precisely at this point where resides the Achilles heel of the controls means for Calvo, who is emphatic in stating that the 70% of those who are looking for a change, in reality, “they do not know what they want, nor where they are going”, in a labour market is extremely rigid, which calls for reforms to screams. However, he admits that “it is not easy to define the goal to which it seeks to advance.” Something that illustrates with a study of the University of Stanford, which continued for 40 years, 1,500 children with an iq above the average. The experiment revealed precisely the ability to define a goal as the first feature of the group, followed by the perseverance and self-confidence.

The desire for change of the majority of the middle contrasts with the political and economic uncertainty that the country lives, on which plans the shadow of an economic recession. However, 70% of Spanish companies have plans to increase their workforce next year, according to the above-mentioned guide. “The labor market of 2020 will continue to rise thanks to the procurements planned,” notes Christopher Dottie, managing director of Hays Spain. An optimism that endorses the salary raises provided for by the 63% of the companies consulted.

To Fernando Calvo, the ones that really change because they will, on the whole, apart from the salary, “for a good project.” For this reason, advised to seek it before anything else internally. “Your company should know that looking for a change of position. Don’t be afraid to ask for it several times”. In case you have a clear output, Calvo recommended that you exercise the message to communicate to the brands who are the employers why they need you. “The reality is very sad. The candidates have the past and do not know how to do a translation of how your experience can grow to the contracting company”.

Javier Cantera recommended to “reinvent the position by putting the focus on your intellectual capacity, given that the routine task will be automated 100%,” and “if your company culture does not allow this innovation, go out without fear to the market.” Well, this claims to employees agile, innovative, with critical thinking and emotional intelligence with social skills, of persuasive communication in new media. And that they are able to work in multicultural environments, lists the professor of the IE.

That only two out of ten middle managers do not wish to seek other employment opportunities represents a blow to the policy of retention of talent of the companies and a strong slap on the wrist to their human resources departments, on which Javier Cantera is very critical: “they Are very disoriented by the globalization process, by the lack of training in people management to its board of directors and because the change to the new requirements of the conciliation, equal opportunities and acceptance of diversity what are you doing with the small mouth,” he says.

Steps to change work

1.- Define what to look for and where it wants to go. Talk with your company.

2.- If you are looking for work outside, contact with classmates who moved to other companies. Make that known to their contacts their desire to change.

3.- Refresh your resume on Linkedin and Twitter and add new skills.

4.- Apply to the offers published by recruiters. If it is a headhunter identifies the consultant who is in charge of the post of du interest and try to access it.

5.- In the job interview, do not talk of their past achievements. Explain why you neita the company and which provides solutions to it.

6.- Go to conferences, forums, congresses and matches the people that you are interested in.