New Zealand is a great place to gamble, with plenty of casinos and online gambling options. Casino gambling expenditure in New Zealand had increased overall from 2011 to reach 578 million New Zealand dollars in 2018.

Not all online casinos are legal. If you’re looking for the best experience, it’s essential to avoid making some common mistakes. This article will outline people’s biggest mistakes when choosing online casinos New Zealand. Read more to learn what they are and how to avoid them.

1) Not Checking the License

One of the essential things to check when choosing an online casino is whether or not it has a valid license. Without this, you can’t be sure whether the casino is legitimate and safe to use.

The license will tell you a lot about the casino, including where the company is located and what kind of games are offered. You can find information on the casino’s website. If you can’t find it, contact customer service and ask.

If the casino doesn’t have a license or won’t disclose this information, it’s best to avoid registering with them.

2) Not Researching the Casino

Common mistakes include not doing your research before signing up with an online casino. It means checking out reviews, reading the terms and conditions, and finding out about the company’s reputation.

You want to ensure the online casino is reputable and has a good track record. Otherwise, you could end up losing money without getting anything in return.

Read the terms and conditions carefully before signing up. It will help you avoid unexpected charges or other issues when withdrawing funds.

You can find these terms on the website itself, as well as in the “about us” section of the casino’s website. If you can’t find anything about the company on their site, look for them elsewhere online. Reputable online casinos will have multiple sources of information about their company and how they work.

3) Choosing a Casino That Offers Incentives

Many online casinos in New Zealand offer incentives to get you to sign up. The problem is that many of these incentives are too good to be true.

For example, a casino might offer you a large bonus just for registering with them. But, once you try to withdraw your funds, you find out that the bonus is non-cashable. It means you can’t use it and have lost money without earning anything.

It might seem like these offers are legitimate, but they’re not always what they appear to be. Always do your research before accepting any bonus from an online casino.

If you’re not sure about the legitimacy of a bonus, ask the casino directly. They should be able to tell you if it’s a legitimate offer or not.

Avoid scams and always check out the casino’s license and reputation before signing up.

4) Not Checking the Rules Before Signing Up

Before you sign up with an online casino, make sure to read every single word of their terms and conditions. It will help you avoid getting into legal trouble while playing. 78 per cent of the game-playing population in New Zealand is aged 18 years or older. Some gaming sites only allow adults to sign up. Hence, it is essential to understand the rules.

The terms and conditions are essential because they’re the basis of your legal agreement with the casino. If you don’t read them, you could end up agreeing to something you don’t want or didn’t intend to.

For example, some casinos have rules about how much you can bet each hand. If you’re a new player and don’t know the rules, it can lead to losing money without having fun.

5) Not Checking the Games Offered

Another mistake you may make is not checking the games offered by a casino before signing up. It can be a huge issue, especially if the casino only offers a few games.

You want to make sure the casino you choose has a variety of games that you enjoy playing. If you only like a few games, look for another casino with more options.

It’s also essential to check how long the games take to play. If you’re looking for a quick game, find one that has instant-play slots or roulette tables.


Making mistakes while choosing an online casino can be costly and frustrating. Avoid these five common mistakes to have a better experience when gambling online.

You must sign up with reputed websites where your money is safe, and you can play games with ease. It is best to read customer reviews and testimonials to understand more.