The times are changing and with it so is our classic tradition of the bingo hall and other traditional casino games. So, with an effort to reach out to the youngsters, there is a stigma brewing among the bingo community that the old catchphrases are out and it is time to introduce some ‘woke’ and cooler calls so that the youths can join in – at

This accusation to some appears as just hearsay and conjecture, but what we want to know is if this is a real thing and why is it happening?

What is Woke Bingo Specifically?

To start, we should really be defining what the word woke actually means. In the modern age it is seemingly important to be socially aware of recent changes, and so being woke is to be smartened to controversial issues. Where to some it is about being accepting and having a higher knowledge on social situations, to others it is thrown as an insult to those who believe that it can be too hard to be politically correct.

Now, the perceptive of you might be wondering why this has anything to do with bingo and what specifically does it affect on the bingo board and we are here to uncover a few examples of what woke bingo actually means. Generally, it is a change of terms in bingo, like the following (if you don’t get it then don’t worry, neither do we):

·         Everybody’s favourite, ‘two fat ladies’ 88 has been adopted by our royal friends ‘Wills and Kate’ in an attempt to take off the cutting edge of the vaguely insulting ‘two fat ladies’

·         Another classic, 38 ‘Christmas Cake’ has been commandeered and changed to ‘Avocado on a Plate’, to appeal to all the youngsters and their love for avocado

·         Finally, some say that 83, our beloved ‘time for tea’ has been changed to ‘gluten free’ to accommodate all those with a gluten allergy whilst playing bingo

Should we Change Traditional Bingo to Woke Bingo?

Some think that it is ridiculous, some think that this is beneficial, but what harm does it really do?

We have set out, for you, a few arguments for and against woke bingo so that you can have the facts as they are and make your own mind up on the very controversial topic:

Arguments for Woke Bingo

Arguments Against Woke Bingo

Some of the terms are a bit outdated and changing them might help change mindsets

The tradition is to say the age old phrases, and without that bingo is not bingo

It could be interesting to have new and modern phrases

The terms that they currently use are not offensive by any stretch

Attracting younger audiences to bingo is key for the games survival

It could change the community and distract the older players

They are only words, its all about the numbers to get your big wins!