
Explore the dynamic world of commerce and finance in our Business category. Stay informed about market trends, economic shifts, and corporate strategies. From startups to conglomerates, delve into insightful analyses, interviews with industry leaders, and comprehensive coverage of business innovations driving global markets.

Iceta is committed to not blocking governance

The PSC candidate, Miquel Iceta, is committed to facilitating governance in Catalonia and not blocking the formation of an executive, given the difficulties presented...

Nicolás Maduro appoints a military as president of PDVSA

With a new change in the energy sector's dome, Venezuela seems to deliver power to the regime's loyalists. This Sunday, the President Nicolas Maduro...

Social security is run out of equity after six years of deficit

Social security ended last year with its negative equity. After six consecutive years closing the exercises with increasing deficit, the red numbers reached December...

Bargain seekers keep the Black Friday tradition alive in the United States

At eight in the morning, hundreds of people were already on the labyrinthine corridors of the Pentagon City shopping centre on the outskirts of...

Trudeau apologizes to indigenous people for abuses of minors for three decades

The Canadian Prime minister, Justin Trudeau, apologized this Friday officially to the indigenous people of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador for the forced...

Rosario Green, first Mexican chancellor, dies

Maria del Rosario Green Macías, the first female chancellor in Mexico, has passed away this Saturday at 76 years. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs...

Albinen, the Swiss people who want to pay 21,300 euros to those who stay...

In Albinen, a small mountain town in Switzerland less than two hours by train from Bern and just under three from Geneva, the sun...

Albinen, the Swiss people who are considering paying 21,300 euros to those who stay...

In Albinen, a small mountain town in Switzerland less than two hours by train from Bern and just under three from Geneva, the sun...

Sendpulse Provides The Best Email Marketing Solutions To Increase Sales

SendPulse helps you to integrate Artificial Intelligence with your email marketing strategies for improving the hits, and thereby helping you in increasing the sales...

Trump seizes the attack in Egypt to reorder the wall with Mexico

In the face of danger, Donald Trump again asked for barriers. The President of the United States used his message of condolence on the...

What do you know about gender violence?

More than 30% of the world's female population has suffered physical or sexual violence from their partner or husband at some point in their...

London PD finds no evidence of a shooting in the London Metro incident.

The London Underground stations of Oxford Circus and Bond Street, in the commercial heart of the British capital, have been evacuated and closed by...

London subway incident, latest live news

The London Underground stations of Oxford Circus and Bond Street, in the commercial heart of the city, have been evacuated and closed by police...

The London police are treating the subway incident as a terrorist attack

The London Underground stations of Oxford Circus and Bond Street, in the commercial heart of the British capital, have been evacuated and shut down...

Primary Issuances: Leaving Money on the Table?

Primary issuances are defined as the first public issuance of stock that a company conducts in order to raise equity funds for its operations....

Aim for consistency, not for profit

When you are trading, you need to know that you have to make consistent trading in Forex. Consistency is the most important element in...

The broad left front is not delivered to Guillier

With the 20.27% support achieved by its candidate, Beatriz Sánchez, and a parliamentary force that will reach the 20 deputies and a senator, the...

Colombia protests Venezuela for military incursion into its territory

The Colombian government has protested against Venezuela for a military incursion registered last week in a rural area of the municipality of Tibú, in...

The water flows on Mars are actually sand, according to a study

The tests collected by robotic explorers sent to Mars suggest that the red planet was millions of years ago a humid world, bathed in...