research complaint that the law has not taken into account, among other things, the teaching staff, which is what most affects the quality of education

the aim of the standard education of a PP was to improve the results of the students, the schools and colleges and of the system in general. He says clear his name: Organic Law for the Improvement of the Quality of Education. But the Lomce “has ignored” the factors that have a greater positive impact on the performance, according to a study conducted by Francisco Lopez Ruperez, director of the Chair of the Educational Policies of the University Camilo José Cela of Madrid.

Lopez Ruperez was a high charge of education PP. Former School Board president, has been secretary-general of Education and VET, Ministry of Education, deputy minister of education of the Community of Madrid and director of the permanent delegations of Spain to the OECD and Unesco.

it Is known, therefore, all the details of the Lomce and, above all, the empirical evidence available in relation to those factors that have more impact on the quality of the educational system.

In An analysis of the Lomce in the light of the Pareto principle, which has been made public this Monday, this professor applies to the Law Wert the well-known principle of the sociologist and economist, Italian, also called the Universal Law of Priorities, according to which a small number of priorities well-established represents a great impact in the improvement of the results.

What happens is that with the Lomce has happened the other way around, it’s like saying Lopez Ruperez. “In education there are many things that have had little influence on the results, and few things can influence a lot. The Government has chosen to have had little influence,” he explains. Why? “For a lack of knowledge of the educational reality and political reality”, he replies.

“Orientation short-term,”

Her research indicates that “the guidance short-term, opportunist approaches and interests corporatist usually, often, prevail”.

What are the success factors has left the Lomce out of your priorities? To begin with, to the teachers, explaining the 30% of school success, according to research published in 2003 by researcher John Hattie. “Attention to the quality of the teachers is null and void,” says Lopez Ruperez. “So, you’re ignoring the factor that the more impact it has, by far, on the results of the students. This absence, in accordance with the Pareto principle and with the available evidence, seriously questions the empirical validity of the law.”

“Nor is there any significant reference to how to improve parental involvement,” continues Lopez Ruperez, which is another factor to take into account, as it explains more than 5% of the quality of education. Also excludes the students and the interaction between equals by the students.

In short, that only two of the five factors cited by Hattie are present in the Lomce: the influence of the leadership of the direction and the characteristics of the school. “The law has only had into account two factors, which are barely explained 10% of the results”, says the research, which has evaluated the success factors that are taken into account in the PISA Report.

Here the Lomce has not been very successful, judging by the results. For example, PISA considers students ‘ grades are better when avoiding the guidance early into different educational programmes: Lopez Ruperez remember that, in this sense, the Law Wert not comply with what is recommended by the OECD, to make a “real stricture” of the itineraries.

Autonomy of the centres

The law itself addresses, in change, the thorny question of the repetition of course, but “does not explain any mechanism of coordination that allows for coherent action” by the autonomous communities. With regard to the autonomy of the centers, the better the results the greater the autonomy, but the Lomce “does not enter into a level of detail nor expected to address it through the development of norms of lower rank”.

Another factor that raises the quality of the system is, according to the OECD, the evaluation. But here also gets hit, because it considers that there has been “so confused” from a legislative point of view.

In short, that the wording of this standard has been nonsense: “The Lomce just aligns with the priorities that are premised on the scientific evidence available, but it relies, to a greater extent, others whose impact on the results of the students is frankly inferior.”

The conclusion of this work is that, “this flawed definition of priorities only” infer “a little impact of the act on the improvement of the quality of education as measured by the results of the students”. That is to say, does not do honor to his name.