“This program is a spectacle, it is pure wonder. It unites humor and challenge. A great mix in a television that aspires to deliver certain values… And for that reason we decided to return with a fourth season,” comments Carmen Ferreiro, Entertainment Director of Atresmedia, who this Thursday presided over the presentation of the new edition of The challenge together with the presenter of the space Roberto Leal, the executive producer Jorge Salvador and the eight new participants.

This Friday at 10:00 p.m., The Challenge returns, the Antena 3 program that subjects a group of celebrities to extreme and very complex tests. In its third edition, broadcast between January and March 2023, the contest averaged a 16.5% share, with four million unique viewers at each gala. Furthermore, according to the same network, talent was in the Top 3 of the 10 most watched entertainment programs last year.

The daring celebrities who will be put to the test in this new edition will be the actor Adrián Lastra, who will also participate in Dancing with the Stars, which Telecinco premieres on Saturday; Chenoa, which currently presents Operación Triunfo; the model Mar Flores; Mario Vaquerizo; the influencerMarta Díaz; Monica Cruz; Pablo Castellano, husband of María Pombo; and the legendary journalist Pepe Navarro. “I think the word that sums up this season is ‘strong’. What this casting has done is brutal,” says Salvador.

“To carry out a season of The Challenge it takes 600 rehearsals, the effort these people make is incredible. Above all, because every year we come up with worse tests than last year,” he says, and acknowledges: “It gives me a little It’s scary to see how far we’ve come.” The executive producer promises “quite extreme things”, and it’s no wonder: Mario Vaquerizo will burn like hell while trying to make a Rubik’s cube (and he won’t be the only one because, as Salvador has revealed, another of the contestants will catch fire whole , he will cross a barrier of several glass doors, climb some stairs and jump into a pool) and Pepe Navarro will fall from a crane on his back five meters high.

“Many have had a bad time, they have cried and gotten angry,” he emphasizes, “but despite everything, an excellent group was created.” And as an example, he gives a button: this Friday all the participants have arranged to see the premiere together at Pepe Navarro’s house. “I thought it was going to be impossible for me to ask him to hang from a harness, because of the respect I have for him. But I must say that working with him has been very easy,” says Salvador.

Mar Flores, according to the producer, “will be pure spectacle”: “He has made a titanic effort,” he says. Regarding Mario Vaquerizo, he affirms that “it’s all laughter”: “We set it on fire, I was afraid for his hair… And there he was, with a smile.” “And Chenoa… Laura has been formidable. Everything she does is art,” she adds, and continues: “Mónica Cruz is a surprise. She always said ‘I can’t, I’m not capable’ and she has done spectacular tests.” .

“Pablo Castellanos is doing television for the first time, he was a total virgin and he opted for emotion,” he lists, Adrián Lastra is all about passion. He has done the most spectacular tests and puts maximum effort into everything he does. And, to finish, there is Marta Díaz, who at minute one was already crying with emotion, without any filter.”

“We have become colleagues because we have all enjoyed it together, like children. For us, it has been like being at Disneyworld. Every week, something different. That is a dream for any human being,” says Pepe Navarro, supported by Lastra: “This is a fantasy. It changes the way you see competitiveness, camaraderie and effort,” he says.

“This is a program that manages to entertain the public and I have had a very good time. I have not won many tests, but I have spent three months super entertaining. I have faced everything with enthusiasm and laughter,” declares Mario Vaquerizo, who highlights the work from Roberto Leal: “It is a pleasure to see his empathetic face during the tests. It is a lifeline.”

“About the jury, Messrs. Santiago Segura, Juan del Val and Pilar Rubio… Telita!” Very expressive but extremely serious, Chenoa intervenes, saying that the contest has given her confidence and self-assurance but that she would never complete it again. “I’m not going to lie, I wouldn’t repeat it,” she says. Despite this, her seven companions would participate in the fifth season if the possibility existed. “For me, The Challenge has been a life lesson. Through this program I have been able to teach my children the value of effort. They have realized that the important thing is to give the best of oneself and not get frustrated,” Mar Flores asserts.

“The challenge has made me discover new things. I was terrified of everything and I have overcome those fears,” says Mónica Cruz, who is joined by Pablo Castellano. “I arrived scared and in two days I already felt very comfortable. The team has made it easy for me, everything has been brutal, so I can only say thank you,” says the influencer.