The Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain (FAPE) and the Madrid Press Association (APM) have officially challenged the resolution that sets the specific bases for the call for RTVE positions, as they announced they would do on May 31, by not requiring a degree in Journalism for the posts of journalists.

As stated in the appeal, sent this Wednesday by the presidents of FAPE and the APM, Miguel Ángel Noceda and Juan Caño, respectively, to the interim president of the RTVE Corporation, Elena Sánchez, “the exercise of the journalism and/or communication, without specific university training, which is what accredits the ability to practice this profession”.

The call, opened last January, has RTVE’s objective of incorporating 1,082 permanent workers. The bases of said call do not include in any of its requirements having a degree in Journalism or Audiovisual Communication, despite the fact that many of the places are for positions such as information and documentation, audiovisual production and editing or content production.

For this reason, both associations consider the requirement of requiring a degree in Journalism or Audiovisual Communication in public administration calls to fill positions directly related to journalism or communication as “a requirement of good service to the citizenry”.

In the specific case of journalism -a profession recognized in article 20.1.d of the Spanish Constitution, and on which the Constitutional Court has ruled on several occasions as a fundamental profession in a democratic State-, “the training of journalists is based in journalism studies, which officially began in 1942 and were considered university in 1970”.

Among the main issues on which the appeal is based, it is recalled that article 27 of the III Collective Agreement of the RTVE Corporation establishes among the general requirements for access to the RTVE Corporation that of “possessing the specific degree and meeting the other requirements that for the performance of each type of occupation and profession the agreement requires, the provisions in force regarding the people who work in the RTVE Corporation and other activities”.

For all these reasons, both organizations request “the suspension of the resolution that is the subject of this appeal until the challenge is resolved administratively or judicially.”

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