The most decisive and expected electoral meeting is held tonight starting at 10:00 p.m. Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) and Alberto Núñez Feijóo (PP) meet at Atresmedia in the only face-to-face debate of this campaign, Face to Face. The debate.

Ana Pastor and Vicente Vallés will be in charge of moderating the debate and will ask the two main candidates for the Presidency of the Government in the elections on July 23 about the issues that concern citizens. The meeting will last approximately 100 minutes.

The face-to-face between the PSOE and PP candidates can be followed, exclusively, on Antena 3 and laSexta, simultaneously, as well as on Onda Cero and the Atresplayer platform. In addition, Antena 3 Internacional will also broadcast the meeting, reaching more than 20 million homes worldwide in thirty countries.

“It is being a very hard countdown in which all the colleagues from Atresmedia are working so that everything is in order and ready for viewers to see and live closely the main proposals of the candidates”, the director of the news of Antena e, Santiago González. “It’s the only chance we’re going to have to see the two candidates talk to each other face to face.”

With a duration of approximately 100 minutes, candidates may not use electronic devices (mobile phones, tablets, smart watches, etc.) and may only be accompanied by an advisor from their team on set before the debate begins. This companion may only return to the set during the two short commercial breaks.

Face to face. The Debate will be articulated around four thematic blocks. The candidates will be seated at a table, face to face, favoring dialogue and confrontation of ideas and proposals. For their part, Ana Pastor and Vicente Vallés, as moderators, will be located at a joint lectern, outside the table, from where they will launch the issues introduced by the blocks and promote the debate between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Through a draw held on Wednesday with the presence of representatives of the PSOE and the PP, the orders of arrival, interventions in the thematic blocks and the final closing minute have been set. In this sense, the draw has pointed out that Alberto Núñez Feijóo will be the first in the order of arrival.

After this, the debate will be structured around four thematic blocks, whose order will be marked by current news and journalistic criteria, and with a flexible duration depending on the dynamics of the meeting itself:

Face to face. The Debate will conclude with a final closing minute for each candidate, a “golden minute” in which Sánchez and Feijóo will make a free presentation on camera, without interruption. In this case, and according to the draw, the PSOE candidate will start and the PP candidate will close it.

In order to achieve an agile and flexible debate but also fair with the distribution of time, on this occasion, and as a novelty, there will be a team of ACB Table Officials who will measure the interventions from the Time Room, seeking a reasonable balance in the use of time by the candidates.

On this occasion, the time each candidate has had the floor will be reflected on a screen that both can easily see from their position. In addition, they will be informed by the moderators if excessive imbalances are occurring. The Time Room is intended to be a control tool to balance participation times and thereby avoid large differences in the use of the floor between candidates.

The layout of the space, on the other hand, has been devised face to face in order to guarantee fair performance on television shots and, in turn, favor dialogue and confrontation of ideas. With this premise, the scenographic proposal proposes a minimalist discussion table, two and a half meters long, which has the leaders of the parties seated at each end, offering us a symmetrical and balanced staging.

The set is completed with a circular platform that centralizes the plane and frames the composition and a large screen of more than 25 meters, of the latest generation and semicircular, that covers the set and where different graphic developments will be projected. These designs, with simple and elegant lines, will play in the background to focus attention on the participants.

The moderators, Ana Pastor and Vicente Vallés, will be located at a joint counter, with the same aesthetics, but distanced from the debate table, from where they will present the meeting and launch the questions that they introduce in the different blocks.

“Of all the debates that we have been experiencing, this is a great novelty,” said Ana Pastor a few days ago. “I feel like a very lucky woman to be able to be there on Monday and be able to share a Champions League night with Vicente Vallés, which is for politics, and for the citizens, who will be able to hear and see the two candidates”.

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