
Coronation Street star Claire Sweeney, who plays Cassie Plummer on the show, recently shared her idea for a plot twist involving her character and Steve McDonald. After Cassie lost her job at the garage, Steve offered her a chance to care for Ken Barlow, despite her lack of qualifications. Sweeney expressed her excitement about Cassie’s new role and the growing connection between her character and Steve, hinting at a potential romance between them. She described their dynamic as reminiscent of young kids in the playground, with playful banter and teasing.

Sweeney also discussed the similarities between herself and Simon Gregson, who plays Steve, highlighting their shared interests in movies and music. She emphasized the potential for a romantic relationship to develop between Cassie and Steve, noting that they have a lot in common and enjoy each other’s company.

In addition to her character’s budding relationship with Steve, Sweeney reflected on her nervousness about joining the Barlow family on the show. Despite feeling comfortable with her previous co-stars, she found herself in awe of acting alongside legendary actors such as Maureen Lipman and Jennie McAlpine. Sweeney recalled a memorable moment on set where she filmed a birthday party scene with Rita Tanner and Ken Barlow, realizing the significance of working with such iconic characters.

As a fan of the show, Sweeney shared a personal highlight of putting on Deirdre’s original glasses, acknowledging the historical significance of the prop. She expressed gratitude for the opportunities she has had in her career and the chance to work with esteemed colleagues on Coronation Street.

Overall, Sweeney’s insights into her character’s storyline and her experiences on the show provide a behind-the-scenes look at the development of Cassie Plummer and her relationships with other characters. Fans of Coronation Street can look forward to seeing how Cassie and Steve’s connection evolves in future episodes, as well as the interactions between Cassie and the Barlow family.