Ten tips to survive the heat wave in THE WORLD (Video) // CARLOS MARQUEZ (Photo) <i

Drink water even if not thirsty it is essential, and also cater to children and adults who are around him

The first heat wave of the summer will leave temperatures higher than 40 ° C from Wednesday

So viewed from space the effects of the heat wave that has swept the United Kingdom in the last days

See the weather forecast for locations

The days are longer and the body has to get used to. First, the heat relentless. After that, the nights in white, and, finally, to days where there’s no air. Wednesday starts the first heat wave of official 2018 in Spain.

Since then and until next Monday, August 6 (at least) it is expected that, during the hours of light, will reach the 40th of the maximum, and the minimum not lower than 20 ° during the night, according to forecasts of the State Agency of Meteorology (Aemet).

Since June 1, in addition, is underway the National Plan for Preventive Actions against the Effects of Excess Temperatures on Health, which will remain active until the 15 of September. Citizens interested in receiving information and predictions on the temperatures, you can subscribe via the website of the Ministry of Health.

This body, in fact, has presented a decalogue with the recommendations elementals to overcome the next few days of extreme heat. This is, precisely, one of the characteristics of heat waves: they have to last for several days. “Enjoy this summer with health” is the recommendation, and the slogan of the Ministry. Here are the guidelines to surviving the wave:

The 10 recomendacionesBeba water or liquids frequently, even if you don’t feel thirsty and regardless of physical activity.Don’t abuse drinks with caffeine, alcohol or large amounts of sugar, since that can cause you to lose more body fluid..Although any person can suffer from a problem related to the heat, pay special attention to babies and young children, the elderly and people with illnesses that may be aggravated by heat and dehydration, such as heart disease.Stay as long as possible in cool, shaded or air-conditioned, and cool off every time you need it.Try to reduce physical activity and avoid practicing outdoor sports during the hottest hours (from 12.00 to 17.00).Wear light, loose-fitting and allow you to sweat.Never leave anyone in a parked vehicle and closed (especially children, the elderly or the chronically ill).Consult your doctor with symptoms that are prolonged for more than an hour and that may be related to the high temperatures.Keep your medicines in a cool place; heat can alter its composition and its effects.Make light meals which help to replenish salts lost through sweating (salads, fruits, vegetables, juices, etc).