Unexpected change in the agenda of the President of the Government and Socialist candidate for re-election, Pedro Sánchez: late this morning Sánchez said no by surprise to Susanna Griso and Antena 3.

As EL MUNDO has learned, he had planned, although it was not one hundred percent closed due to the lack of some details, to go to Espejo Público to be interviewed by Susanna Griso as the other candidates have done. However, this morning any option for the PSOE candidate to go to the Antena 3 program was closed, alleging “schedule problems.” However, the President of the Government will be tomorrow morning with Silvia Intxaurrondo and Marc Sala at La Hora de La 1.

The surprise has been double, since not only has he planted Espejo Público without any explanation other than “schedule problems”, according to sources close to Moncloa, but also, the president will be tomorrow morning with Silvia Intxaurrondo and Marc Sala on La Hora de La 1, which will be the last interview of his television tour, especially after the controversy that arose after Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s interview with Silvia Intxaurrondo .

However, as this newspaper has been able to confirm, indeed, Silvia Intxaurrondo and Marc Sala have been chosen by Moncloa for Sánchez’s farewell on television until next Sunday’s elections.

Even so, it will not be Sánchez’s last interview, since the candidate will be with Julia Otero in the afternoon in Julia en la Onda, where the journalist will probably ask him about this unexpected change in the president’s agenda and his sit-in to his partner Susanna Griso.

It is also surprising because Espejo Público and La Hora de La 1 coincide directly in time slot. In fact, Susanna Griso, who has interviewed all the candidates except Sánchez on her program, usually does them first thing in the morning, approximately the same time that Silvia Intxaurrondo and Marc Sala, hosts of the RTVE program, have been conducting the interviews with the candidates half an hour after the start of the program, at 09:00.

Unless tomorrow the interview with Pedro Sánchez in La Hora de La 1 starts later than those of his rivals, everything would seem to indicate that the president has preferred the public channel to grant his last televised interview, something that they affirm is usual in presidents during elections, and especially after Intxaurrondo’s interview with the ‘popular’ candidate that has even led to the complaint by the RTVE Information Council regarding “the attacks” received by the PP.

In fact, television sources say that Sánchez’s change responds to “having one last interview on television without too many stones in the way.” however, Intxaurrondo has shown that he has no intention of making it easy for anyone.

The tense interview with Feijóo, in which Silvia Intxaurrondo dismantled with data some of the information about the leader of the ‘popular’ made in his different public appearances, in the face-to-face with Sánchez and in other interviews, has been kicking since Monday monopolizing television talk shows and political analysis.

The journalist’s work was applauded and praised by most of the viewers and by many of her fellow journalists, but she also received fierce criticism. One of the harshest was that of Esteban González Pons, vice-secretary for Institutional and International Affairs of the Popular Party, who published a tweet in which he stated that “RTVE is going to lose the elections.”

For his part, Pedro Sánchez gave a 180º turn to his communication strategy after the municipal and regional elections in May. From going on to attack certain media and presenters, the president accepted practically all the invitations that he had rejected every week for several years. El Hormiguero, El Programa de Ana Rosa, Lo de Évole, Carlos Alsina, La Pija and La Quinqui… And now, hours after the end of the campaign, Sánchez surprises again by planting Susanna Griso and being the only candidate of 23-J who will not attend Espejo Público.

The reason for the president’s change in strategy was none other than elections just around the corner and an electorate from which Sánchez needs every last vote. “Given the response from the center-right and right-wing media after the 28-M elections, Sánchez was forced to modify his initial strategy. Strategies are there to be corrected and he has realized that he had to react just over a month after the elections,” Isaac Hernández, a political consultant specializing in political marketing and communication, explained to this newspaper a few weeks ago.

During this legislature, ignoring, turning a deaf ear and not going to non-related programs was the strategy followed by Sánchez. However, after the results of 28-M, the electoral advance and the omens that point to Feijóo as the winner, Sánchez made the decision to lift the vetoes imposed all these years. According to the experts, the government’s policies “had not penetrated” the citizens and they only had the option of “the emotional”.

“Sánchez’s reaction to the media is a reaction that comes to say that the elections of 23-J are going to be played above all in an emotional key because it has also been verified, with what has happened in the municipal and regional elections, that the public policies of the Government of Sánchez have not penetrated, “assured Eduardo Bayón, a consultant in Political Communication.

“The rational vote does not move voters from the hard circle, who are the ones who are clear about their vote and never hesitate between the left or the right,” says Hernández. “It is the irrational vote that moves the so-called soft vote and that is the emotional vote, the one that tips the balance,” she insisted.

Finally, hours after the end of the campaign, the strategy of the socialist candidate has turned around again and, although there is no clear reason other than “schedule problems” and his presence in La Hora de La 1, he will not have a coffee with Susanna Griso.

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