Ibai Llanos will broadcast the New Year’s Eve Chimes again but will change partners. After a few years in which he has shared that symbolic moment with popular television faces such as Ramón García and Anne Igartiburu, Llanos has made public that he will share the live show with one of his rivals in content creation, The Grefg.

“No one expects it, we have done things together, but ringing the Chimes together is something that no one can imagine,” comments Llanos in the video in which he announces his presence, for the fourth consecutive year, at midnight on December 31 . “My relationship with him is good, the thing is that we have always been competing, we have had our differences,” he says of the person who will co-star in the live broadcast.

“I think people want to see us together,” says Ibai Llanos. Both he and The Grefg have competed when it comes to starring in and broadcasting live content. But while the former has dedicated himself preferentially to Internet platforms in recent years, the latter has appeared sporadically on television programs, the medium that they will challenge together on New Year’s Eve.